(lambda ()
(cond ((string-match "\312\376\272\276" ;;CAFEBABE
(buffer-substring-no-properties 1 5))
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Adding support for decompiling class files in a jar file in emacs
This simple EMACS hook checks for CAFEBABE at the beginning of a file extracted from the an archive (jar, war, etc) and decompiles it. Requries decompile.el and JDEE.
Thanks for decompile.el. It is great.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Paul's Time Sink | Force emacs to open files in unix mode
I found this over at Paul's Time Sink. Thanks Paul.
Paul's Time Sink | Force emacs to open files in unix mode: "believe that emacs by default will use the line endings for current system when opening and saving text files. This may cause a problem when you want to force the file to be saved with different line endings. I found this series of commands to force the file to be opened in unix mode:
C-x RET c unix RET C-x C-f
You can replace unix with dos, if you want to use those types of line endings."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The 7 CSS Hacks that we should use
Over at DZone I cam across this atricle:
The 7 CSS Hacks that we should use: "If you are trying to do pixel-perfect cross-browser CSS layout, then you have probably ran into problems with IE . I am going to highlight the top 7 CSS hacks that we often use to have pixel perfect design."As a web developer, our site supports Mozilla/Firefox and Internet Explorer. I do not know how many times I have suggested we drop IE support, for just these sorts of issues. Oh well, I guess I can look on it as job security. Every time there is a new IE release, we have to redo the website to support the new "standard"
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
cygwin makes like better
I use cygwin a lot and emacs a lot. As I was recovering my machine, I came across this great list of useful ideas which includes:
Useful Tidbits 1. You may want to disable your virus checker when running the Cygwin installer. Don't forget to re-enable it when you're finished installing. 2. If you are planning on installing CERN's Root, I recommend going to the version. Root 5.14 (or later?) should be immediately compatible with this release. You may have to build the earlier versions from sources. 3. Cygwin doesn't like it if there is a space in your Windows username. If you have a space, do the following after installing Cygwin: * Edit /etc/passwd (using either emacs, vi, or even Windows Wordpad) * Find your entry (it will start with your windows username) * Take the space out of your username (1st entry) and your home directory (2nd to last entry). * Quit all Cygwin * Use Windows Explorer to rename your home directory (C:\cygwin\home\cplager in my case) 4. Cygwin doesn't like spaces in directories. To have access to my program files, I created a 'mount point': cygwin> mount -f -s -b "c:/Program Files" "/mount/programfiles" You only need to run this command once. 5. To make access easier to my documents and the decktop, I made the following soft links in my home directory cygwin> ln -s 'C:/Documents and Settings/cplager/Desktop' Desktop cygwin> ln -s 'C:/Documents and Settings/cplager/My Documents' DocumentsI also like to use rxvt instead of the standard console. The command line looks like this:
C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sl 1500 -fn "Lucida Console-12" -bg black -fg grey -sr -e bash --login -i
Friday, July 25, 2008
Color Design Blog / As Seen By The Color Blind by COLOURlovers
The Americans with Disabilities Act helps ensure that web sites are accessible to people with special needs. Having a friend and co-worker who is deaf has made me more aware of the issues involved. For example, a deaf user will need closed-captions or transcripts of video.
Most of the requirements are not difficult to implement, just hard to remember and to test. We are seeking tools that automate testing to help us identify problems.
I have another friend who is color blind and while it is not a disability, software developers need to be aware of some of the problems that can be caused by color blind users.
A common design is to use color to distinguish a good state versus an alert state. The obvious choice is to use green for a happy state and red to show some error. While doing this, keep in mind that some percentage of your users will not be able to distinguish between red and green. The simple solution is to change something else in the text such as a little stop sign icon.
Anyway, checkout this page for some ideas on being more aware of your color blind users.
Color Design Blog / As Seen By The Color Blind by COLOURlovers: "In the U.S. 7% of the male population – or about 10.5 million men – and 0.4% of the female population either cannot distinguish red from green, or see red and green differently. Color blindness affects a significant amount of the population"
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Quote Details: Rick Cook: Programming today is a... - The Quotations Page
Of course this does not apply to my users all of whom are most ingenious.
Quote Details: Rick Cook: Programming today is a... - The Quotations Page: "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Joda Time - Java date and time API - Home
Josh Bloch mentioned this as being the basis for the new Date JSR. I had never heard of it.
Joda Time - Java date and time API - Home: "Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes. The design allows for multiple calendar systems, while still providing a simple API. The 'default' calendar is the ISO8601 standard which is used by XML. The Gregorian, Julian, Buddhist, Coptic, Ethiopic and Islamic systems are also included, and we welcome further additions. Supporting classes include time zone, duration, format and parsing."
Josh Bloch: How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
I saw this over at DZone and found it important enough to share. At the end Josh references a handout.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Spread Firefox | Download Day 2008
I think I can help with this world record.
Spread Firefox | Download Day 2008: "Set a Guinness World Record
Enjoy a Better Web
Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do is get Firefox 3 during Download Day to help set the record for most software downloads in 24 hours - it’s that easy. We're not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.
The official date for the launch of Firefox 3 is June 17, 2008. Join our community and this effort by pledging today"
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Smash Mouth @ Java One 2008
Here is a video of Smash Mouth at JavaOne 2008. Be sure and check out 1:15 into the video. I am in the frame, guess which one I am.
Thanks to Arun for posting the video.
Monday, May 12, 2008
JavaOne 2008 Session I attended
TS-4817 The Java™ Platform Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286)
An excellent session on the features and uses cases for the new portlet spec. Well worth a look.
TS-6623 More Effective Java
The slides highlight some of the new topics covered in the best selling book at JavaOne. No Java developer should be without it. Get yours today!
TS-6169 Spring Framework 2.5: New and Notable
What is new and why we care. A must see for anyone using Springframework. Note: JDK 1.3 support is being dropped.
TS-6589 Defective Java™ Code: Turning WTF Code into a Learning Experience
Another excellent session after the vein of the famous "Java Puzzlers", which was missing from this year's lineup.
TS-5250 Asynchronous Ajax for Revolutionary Web Applications
Focused on Reverse Ajax or Comet with samples on many platforms including Glassfish, Weblogic, Tomcat, Grizzly.
TS-6389 Growing Open-Source Developer Communities
The presentation gives a few common sense ideas, nothing really earth shattering.
TS-5509 Java™ Persistence API 2.0
An overview of the upcoming features of the new JPA. Worth a look.
TS-5859 Unit-Testing Database Operations with DBUnit
A great look at a data base unit test tool. If your project uses a database, this presentation will be worth a look. Good for those of us already using DBUnit.
BOF-4798 Parleys.com: An Adobe Flex/AIR and JavaFX™ Case Study A look at a website being developed in DHTML, GWT, Flax/Air and JavaFX.
The presentation included a great overview of the 4 environments with a pros/cons comparison. A similar discussion can be found at an interview with Stephan Janssen.
TS-6590 Using FindBugs in Anger
If you have 100,00+ lines of code and 2 hours, this presentation will help you make the best use of your time. Helps sort out the different warning levels and where to get the best return on your investment of time.
TS-7669 Continuous Regression Testing for Java™ EE Apps: Change Code Without Fear
Some older information and somewhat disappointing. Many of the techniques we currently use were not discussed.
TS-5165 Programming with Functional Objects in Scala
A quick into to Scala which has some nice features.
TS-6611 Filthy-Rich Clients: Filthier, Richer, Clientier
A gee-whiz demo some effects in Swing. Take a look for some good ideas if you are into Swing.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Embedding Apache Pluto
This areticle may prove interesting to getting portletUnit packaged with maven.
Embedding Apache Pluto: "Apache Pluto, the reference implementation of the Java Portlet Specification, implements a portlet container that can be embedded easily within a portal or Web application. This article provides a comprehensive tutorial that explains how to embed the Pluto Portlet Container (version 1.1) into a Web application. It investigates the basic architecture of Portal Systems, provides an overview of Pluto's public API, and discusses two different integration techniques."
Monday, May 5, 2008
Krugle: Source Code search engire
Krugle is a search engine for source code. I could at least find my own project. Are there any others?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Occasional Java Coder: Spring 2.0 form tags
This page has a really nice example of HTML date input using Springframework form tags.
Occasional Java Coder: Spring 2.0 form tags: "I like the Spring's form tags. It just does what it what I wanted. Registered a custom date editor in the controller and used Spring's select tag for the date selection instead of input to a text box."
Code Beach: Get the Names of the Months in Java
I did not even know about the DateFormatSymbols class.
Code Beach: Get the Names of the Months in Java: "This tutorial shows how to get the month names for the current locale or for a specific locale. Java provides an easy mechanism for getting localized month names. To get the month names, you will use the DateFormatSymbols in the java.text package. By default, the constructor will create a DateFormatSymbols object based on the current locale.
DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols();"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
101 Adobe AIR Resources to Add to Your Toolbelt of Awesomeness
I have committed to learning Flex and this looks like a great list of resources to help do that.
101 Adobe AIR Resources to Add to Your Toolbelt of Awesomeness: "The Adobe Integrated Runtime or AIR is a runtime environment for developing rich Internet applications. These applications can be deployed as a desktop applications. AIR applications can operate offline and can take advantage of additional functionality when connected to the Internet."
Friday, April 18, 2008
InfoQ: Top 10 Mistakes when building Flex Applications
As I am learning flex, it is nice to see what not to do.
InfoQ: Top 10 Mistakes when building Flex Applications: "In this post, Adobe’s James Ward teams up with InfoQ.com to bring you another Flex Top 10 (our most recent Flex Top 10). Flex is an open source application development framework for building rich Internet applications that run in the web with Flash Player, or on the desktop with Adobe AIR. Overall, Flex is a powerful framework that is easy to use, but today let's focus on some of the common mistakes that are made when building Flex applications."
Monday, April 14, 2008
Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 1)
I've decided that it is time for me to learn a new language and I have decided on Flex. This article looks like a good place to start.
Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 1): "!n this article series, I’ll try to give you a step-by-step process to create an application with Flex/BlazeDS/Spring/Hibernate/MySQL architecture, all of that built with Maven. I’ve been looking for such a tutorial for a long time, but you know what Gandhi said about the change you wish to see in the world, right? So I finally put all the parts together, and with a little help from a Brazilian friend, tadaaaa! Here it comes!"
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Checking for any property in a bean
I came across a situation the other day at work where I needed to know if any property was set on a bean. There are a couple of uses cases that involve checking that a bean being used as a value object or transfer object has at least one property set before doing some heavy lifting based on the contents of the bean. The two use cases involved doing a database query or generating XML based on the bean. If the bean is empty, the query does not need to be performed or the XML does not need to be generated.
The first solution is a simple if-else-if chain:
if(bean.getProp1() != null) {
return true;
} else if(bean.getProp2() != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
There are a couple of problems with this approach. First, it is just plain ugly for more than a couple of properties. This ugliness quickly translates into a high cyclomatic complexity for more than a few properties. The code also leads to maintenance bugs as it is easy to forgot to add new properties to the chain.
I took a survey of a few of my coworkers and we came up with several solutions.
If hashCode is defined to return zero (0) if none of the properties are set and a standard hash code otherwise, then hashCode makes a good candidate for checking if any property has been set. In practice, simple unit tests proved that the algorithms for setting hashCode do not lend themselves nicely to having a predictable value, like 0, for when none the properties are set. The hashCode ends up being based on the number of properties as well as the content.Dirty Bit
This solution consists in a adding a boolean flag to the the object,anyValue
. The flag is set to false and every setter would set it to true. Then a new method, hasAnyValue
would simple return anyValue
public void setProp1(Prop1 newProp1) {
prop1 = newProp1;
if(newProp1 != null ) anyValue = true;
public boolean hasAnyValue() {
return anyValue;
We decided against this one for a couple of reasons. While it removes the cycolmatic complexity problem, is fast and is easy to understand, it still has the problem of a maintainer forgetting to add the assignment of anyValue
to true in new setters. Also, it does not handle the case where a property is set back to null after having been set to a new value. Using a counter that is incremented and decremented would work around that problem.
This method works well where only a subset of the properties need to be checked. The only the relevant setters need contain the anyValue
Using aspects to make the assignment toanyValue
removes the maintenance problem of forgetting to make the assignment by adding another level of complexity to the application. If an application already makes use of aspects, this would make sense. Adding aspects for just this use case would have been swatting mosquitoes with sledge hammers.
Another approach would be to remove theanyValue
field and change the method hasAnyValue
to use reflection to introspect the properties and return true if any of them is non-null. While this would work, reflection code is ugly and hard to understand.
Fortunately, the nice folks at Jakarta have a Commons BeanUtils package that performs operations on beans. While I couldn't find a method that checks for any value being set, there is a method that retrieves all the properties of a bean into a map:PropertyUtils.describe
Using this, the hasAnyValue method becomes:
public static boolean hasValue(Object object) {
Map describe;
try {
describe = BeanUtils.describe(object);
for (Iterator iterator = describe.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
if (!"class".equals(entry.getKey()) && entry.getValue() != null) {
return true;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to check hasValue 1", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to check hasValue 2", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to check hasValue 3", e);
return false;
This solution provided the flexibility of the reflection solution without having to maintain the reflection code. Note: I have not checked this with primitive properties. One drawback is that this solution is slower than any of the others because it reads all properties, even if all of them are non-null. If more speed is needed or if only a subset of properties need be checked, consider using the dirty bit solution.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Internet Explorer 8 proposed 'features'
Over at Not Dead Yet is a list of proposed features for the upcoming Internet Explorer 8 including:
#8: "You have not installed Vista, therefore I cannot render this page."
#9: "You have installed Vista, therefore I cannot render this page."
Check out the rest of the list
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Code Buddy: The Art of the Weekly Code Review
As a software engineer for Intermountain Healthcare, I have been tasked with implementing a plan for code reviews on our team. After thinking about it for some time, I have decided to implement weekly code reviews as a nice balance of achieving the goals for having code reviews while overcoming some of the problems involved with more formal code reviews that happen at the end of the project.
A code review that happens at the end of a project has limited usefulness for the project itself. The later in the project life cycle the review is held, the harder it is to act on the issues. It is often too late in the project schedule to do anything about issues identified as part of the code review. The decision to meet the schedule versus fixing the code will always lean toward the schedule. Holding code reviews earlier in the project allows issues to be corrected with less impact to schedule.
On the other extreme is pair programming where code is continuously reviewed. While there is a lot to be said for this concept, there is a lot of drawback as well. One of the most important characteristics of an effective reviewer is being dispassionate. A person involved on a continuous basis with the code will tend to have a motivation to let things slide to meet the schedule. A person who is not so involved in the project can review the code with a more objective eye.
Code Buddy
Somewhere in-between the extremes of pair programming and end-of-projects code reviews is the code buddy. A code buddy is some one who reviews the code on a regular, in our case weekly, basis. To ensure objectivity, the code buddy does not work on the code base being reviewed. Instead, the code buddy is assigned from the people working on a different project or a different part of the same project.
To see why the code buddy works, a review of why code reviews are needed is helpful. As a team, we talked about what we wanted out of a code review. Those items follow with how a code buddy will or will not achieve that goal. Also, how we can measure the outcome for continuous improvement.
Produce higher quality products
This is one of those nebulous goals that is hard to measure. What this really needs is a definition of what is meant by higher quality code.
Find more bugs
There are several good static code analyzers like Checkstyle and FindBugs. which can identify bugs that are commonly overlooked. In addition to these tools, an effective code reviewer will identify bugs and potential bugs that are overlooked by the developer. The earlier in the process a bug is identified and corrected, the less costly the bug is to the project in time and money. Bugs can be caught throughout the process in roughly these steps, in order of increasing cost:
Mentor and cross-train each other
As people review each other's code, they naturally learn things they can use in their own code.
Prevents the silo effect
The silo effect is what happens when a developer works under time constraints without anyone looking at the code. Corners get cuts, short cuts taken and really strange things happen in the dark. A regular review sheds needed light on the code and encourages developers to write it right the first time.
Improve performance
Like security, performance happens a many levels. A code review can identify some obvious problems, however any issues identified in a code review should be reviewed by a profiler to ensure that there really is a performance issue. Sometimes efforts to improve performance have the opposite effect.
Verify unit tests are being written
Unit tests are most effective when written early in the project. A weekly code buddy can verify that code has corresponding unit test.
Code buddy process
Each week the developer will create a code review in Crucible, which is a code review tool that integrates with source control like subversion and cvs. The code review consists of all code committed in the last 7 days. The members of the team, a code buddy and a code captain, either a team lead or other who helps facilitate the review, are invited to the review. Using crucible, the code review can be setup in a matter of moments.
The reviewer is notified by email and logs into the crucible server and does the review. Crucible shows the reviewer only the code that has actually changed, think diff. This allows the reviewers to keep up on the changes without having to dredge through lots of code that has not changed. Also, if the committer attached the Jira issues, the reviewer can easily see the motivation for the change.
The reviewer can make make comments online. There is no need for a formal meeting. Instead, each logs into the tools and make comments. The other reviewers are notified by email when comments have been made, allowing them to respond in a timely manner.
Once all the reviewers have finished, the code either passes or the developer agrees to make the suggested changes. This may involve making new Jira issues to track the changes. The changes will naturally be reviewed in the following weeks as they are made and committed.
Encouraging effective code buddies
Some steps to ensure that the reviewers are being effective
- not written - the cheapest bug to fix is the one never written
- caught by the developer during coding, by running unit tests or through continuous integration - these bugs are quickly addressed and cost very little
- caught by a code buddy - only slightly more costly than a unit test
- caught by QA - now the bug will need to be reviewed and possibly effects the schedule
- caught by a formal code review at the end of the project - might slip the schedule or may never be addressed
- caught by a user - the most costly in time, money and reputation
- on-going training on standards, security, etc.
- switch code buddies every few months - codes people from getting too comfortable
- provide a checklist of things to look for - one follows
- Would you want to maintain this code?
- Is the intent of the changes in the code readily understood either from the code itself, the comment changes, the JIRA referenced or other supporting documentation?
- Are there any security flaws?
- Are there easy better ways of doing this? Things like: use standard libraries, a simpler algorithm, reduce complexity.
- If a complex solution is required, is it properly documented in the code or the javadoc?
- Does the code meet standards?
- Are there unit tests for the public methods of public classes?
Friday, February 1, 2008
M-X butterfly
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Change the DHCP IP Address Range for VMware NAT :: the How-To Geek
I use VM Player to run an instance of the WebLogic and Vignette so I can do my testing. this works fine until I VPN in to work. Fortunately, I came across this posting on how to configure the VM Player to play nice with VPN.
Change the DHCP IP Address Range for VMware NAT :: the How-To Geek
There were a couple of gotchas:
1 - The network manager is not in Start -> Programs -> VMWare section of the program manager. Instead, it will be in the same directory as the VMPlayer which on my box with a standard install is "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Player\vmnetcfg.exe". I added a shortcut so I could find it later.
2. Once connected with VPN, do ipconfig /all and look for one with a description matching the VPN client. Using Nortel on my box the description is:
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Nortel IPSECSHM Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport
Use subnet corresponding to the matching IP address as described in the posting.
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