The first column is the offset into the file, in hex.
The 8 columns are the hex representation of the 16 bytes represented in the line.
The last column is a printable representation of the 16 bytes, with unprintable characters represented as a period.
The hexlify clojure function accepts a seq of bytes or chars and returns a vector, each element of the vector represents 16 bytes of the input.
For example:
(hexlify "The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox")
=> ([("54" "68" "65" "20" "71" "75" "69" "63" "6b" "20" "62" "72" "6f" "77" "6e" "20")
("T" "h" "e" "." "q" "u" "i" "c" "k" "." "b" "r" "o" "w" "n" ".")
(84 104 101 32 113 117 105 99 107 32 98 114 111 119 110 32)]
[("20" "64" "6f" "67" "20" "6a" "75" "6d" "70" "65" "64" "20" "6f" "76" "65" "72")
("." "d" "o" "g" "." "j" "u" "m" "p" "e" "d" "." "o" "v" "e" "r")
(32 100 111 103 32 106 117 109 112 101 100 32 111 118 101 114)]
[("20" "74" "68" "65" "20" "6c" "61" "7a" "79" "20" "66" "6f" "78")
("." "t" "h" "e" "." "l" "a" "z" "y" "." "f" "o" "x")
(32 116 104 101 32 108 97 122 121 32 102 111 120)])
The first
element of each vector is the 16 hex values, one for each byte in the partition. The second element in the vector is the printatble character representation and the last element in the vector is the numeric representation.This allows inspection of byte arrays within clojure quickly and easily.
The code is repeated below: